Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Lead Dog
Born 1997 to Moon and Cruise
Remington's nickname Rem or Remi
Personality- Charmer

Still running in the team although slowing down quite a bit and bumped back to the slower B team his heart is still in the A team.

He is funny to watch him as struts on tippy toes around the dog lot telling the young bucks "I may be old but I am still the alfa male around here."

Remington had a bad experience with water a few years ago and is now quite leery of it. Andy would have to tell the story to be accurate but the short version is this mine. A mishap on the Yukon River resulted while Andy was walking ahead of the team to see if it was safe enough to go around Eagle Bluff. Remington decided to follow but as fate would have it he walked toward an open lead in the river and in they went.

I will not tell the complete story as Andy is not here to verify the facts, I will tell what I saw. I was at the cabin in Eagle whenI heard something and looked out the window and truly I could not believe my eyes. Have you ever looked at a situation and it is so bizarre it does not compute. First, why was Andy and a dog team in the driveway,I never had seen that before, second the dogs and sled were all white and incased with ice. Then It hit me!
Andy herded them all inside and I went to work with towels galore pulling ice from fur and drying their wet soggy frames as he pulled the sled into the work shop to melt.

They all stayed inside cozied up to the wood stove for a long time, stretched out like a dog fur rug until every hair of every dog was dry.

I will never forget that day and neither will Remington he avoids open water in the winter at all cost, although he does enjoy a dip in the Yukon on a hot summers day.

Another funny short story about Remington and me was one summer in Eagle when some tourists walked by and wanted to take pictures and meet the dogs. I took them around to pet all of 26 dogs we had at the time. Remington was the first dog in the lot as lead dogs have that prestige, so when we were done with the meet and greet I stood next to Rem as I chatted with the visitors, he looked at them, lifted his leg and peed on mine marking his territory. Not sure if I should be mad or flattered I told him in uncertain terms that was not acceptable and he has been a good boy ever since. I love him dearly.

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